Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Nicole's Interview

            When you’re growing up, you go through experiences that help you find yourself. Nicole Collette has been through enough to know she relies on herself and she’s independent which is why she considers herself more of a cat rather than a dog. Although she usually doesn’t need people to help her out, she plans to grow up with a career that allows her to help those in need. She is currently involved with SMAC and the Leo club and outside of that she participates in cross country. In ten years, Nicole hopes to be married, with one child, and a working woman.
            Nicole considers herself an average student when it comes to reading and writing. As a reader, she enjoys mystery novels and she isn’t as familiar with biographies and fiction. Her favorite author is Jodi Picoult because she likes her writing style. She also likes books with an inspiring message which is why her favorite book is Tuesdays with Morrie because it taught her about personal relationships. As a writer, Nicole finds it easiest to write introduction sentences and she finds it harder to write opinionative pieces and analysis of what she’s read. Nicole’s goal for this year is to learn how to write something more than a five paragraph essay and she wants to broaden her vocabulary.
            In her 17 years of life, Nicole has developed thoughts and opinions on people, places, and many other things. Nicole looks up to her brother’s girlfriend, Kelsey, because she can balance work and fun and she gives Nicole good advice. Nicole also looks up to singer and actress Miley Cyrus. Miley stars in Nicole’s favorite movie, is her favorite performer, and is one of the three people Nicole would want to meet before she dies. Nicole’s favorite color is orange, which is also the color of her favorite food, buffalo wings.
            Nicole is very energetic, adventurous, and a great friend. She knows how to balance her workload with her friends and she knows how to steer clear of drama. Someday she hopes to visit Greece, Italy, and Australia and she wants to be successful. She likes any kind of music with catchy lyrics and a good beat, just like any other teenager these days. Nicole also cares about her money and how she spends it. She works at McCray’s Farm in South Hadley so she makes money on a daily basis. Nicole spends a lot of her money on gas so if she could have any super power, it would be to fly because that would be a few extra dollars she could save on gas! Nicole’s the kind of girl who won’t change for just anyone; she is who she is and there is no changing that.

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